Tuesday, July 14, 2015


chair and curtain room for improvement

Idea #7: The Meaning of Life

In this blog Mr. Karl Fisch was asked at the end of the semester by his administrator “to think over the summer about some "big ideas" that would be worth discussing that could improve our school.” This is idea #7. Mr. .Fisch wrote a letter to the administrator. In the letter he stated that “we currently spend a lot of our time with curriculum that we claim is preparing our students to live well, but we don't devote much time to helping them figure out how they want to live or how they define living "well." He suggests an advisory class for each student for all four years at AHS. The advisors purpose will be helping students figure out where things are, how things work, who to ask for what, and how to be successful at AHS, how do they want to live, what does it mean to be successful, what's most important to them.

My Comment:
I am a student in EDM 310 at The University of South Alabama. I enjoyed reading your blog. It is a great idea to have advisors helping the students from their freshman to senior year. I know when I was in school the only time I really remember talking to a guidance counselor was the end of my junior year and some of my senior year. I wish I had the opportunity to have an advisor for four years. I hope that the administrator approve your requests.

Idea #8: Community Service
In this blog Mr. Karl Fisch was asked at the end of the year by the an administrator “ to think over the summer about some "big ideas" that would be worth discussing that could improve our school.”This is idea #8 .Mr. Fisch states that community services is a component and he thinks that it is essential to their high school. He sees to main parts community and services. Community is focusing and serving the community and service is focusing on serving the wider community outside of AHS.
For serving the community of AHS, he envision a Link Crew. The Link Crew will have all AHS students on the "community crew," but with Senior leadership. The teachers would pair up two (or perhaps three) Seniors with a crew of 6-8 underclassmen who would work together, along with other teams, to keep Arapahoe clean and in good shape. The custodial committee would be a mentor to the crew. When crews aren't on duty for taking care of AHS, they would instead be serving the wider community.

My comment : I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I enjoyed reading all nine ideas to improve AHS. All of the ideas are great. I think by having the Link Crew the students would take more pride in their school since they are the ones who are cleaning it. At my school it wasn’t required to do community service. I wish I did have the opportunity to help the community.

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