Friday, July 3, 2015

Blog Post # 11

What can we learn from these teachers?

words dealing with subjects,technology in bright pink and neon green

In Brian Crosby’s video Back To the Future, I learned many things about teaching. I learned that teachers should empower students to become learners. Kids want to learn and we should expect high quality work from them. Students can connect to the world through blogs. Mr. Crosby is trying different technologies in his classroom to make learning exciting. Lastly, teaching is about making students go beyond expectations.

Blended Learning Cycle
is a video about blended learning and the learning cycle. In blended learning you take online, mobile, and classroom learning and put them together as a way of teaching. Secondly, is the learning cycle. The learning cycle consist of the five E’s: engage, explore, explain, expand, and evaluate. The blended learning cycle started by a driving question or something to get the students engaged to what you are about to investigate. The teacher creates a video for the students to watch independently on a particular assignment. Then, he reviews with each student before they take a quiz on what they learned. If any students fail he gives them the opportunity to go back and elaborate on the assignment. I think this approach is a good way to make sure the students are learning what they are investigating. I love the way that the students do this assignment independently. It makes the student pay close attention because they need to know the information in order to pass the quiz.

Making Thinking Visible is discussing small groups and how they are a great way to learn .The students had to make a headline for an upcoming project. At the end the students were asked how the headline was going to change after working in the project .It is important to let the students know that their opinions can change after working towards something and that is okay.

Super Digital Citizen
is a great video. Mr. Pane fifth grade classroom were learning how to be good digital citizens This video was cool because students were able to design a superhero who would become their super digital citizen .In this video I learned it’s important to discuss online safety with my students. Students need to know the difference between negative and positive information online.

In Project Based Learning
three teachers worked together to collaborate three different subjects. The teachers took an idea that they thought would benefit their students to their administration and they agreed to it. This is my first time seeing three different subjects being put together. One main thing I learned from this video is that sometimes you need to think outside of the box to make learning effectively and that the sky is the limit when trying to approach different ways for the students to learn.

In Roosevelt Elementary School, students were doing projects that involved other subjects as well. I learned that using PBL gives students more ownership over the project. Technology is great but having the students collaborate and learn together is greater.


  1. Great job on your post. I love your set up of the blog. So glad I got to read it.

  2. It’s interesting how much we will always learn from other people! My favorite video was the digital super hero because it showed us how we can teach our students about safety. I suggest reading through your blog before you post because there are a couple of spots where it doesn’t make sense ( i.e. Making Thinking Visible: “At the end the students were asked to how the headline was going to change after working in the project” the ‘to’ can be deleted). Overall, I enjoyed reading what you learned!

  3. "Teachers should empower students to become learners." "Teaching is about making students go beyond expectations." I love these statements in your blog. It will be up to us to make sure our students want to learn and learn beyond what they think is possible. A suggestion would be to make sure your verb matches your subject: in the Blended Learning Cycle, "the teacher create a video" should be "creates" and "he review with each student" should be "reviews". Great post overall!
