Sunday, June 28, 2015

Blog Post #9

project based learning in text

According to the article Seven Essentials for Project Based Learning
, the project should be meaningful making the students want to do well. Elements of a good project includes: 1.need to know, 2.a driving question, 3.student voice and choice, 4. 21st century skills, 5.inquiry and innovation, 6 .feedback and revision, 7. a publicly presented project. There is a big difference in project learning versus using the regular poster boards to present an assignment.

In the video Project Based Learning for Teachers
, the importance of PBL is shown through common core standards. With project based learning, students can learn collaboration, critical thinking, and life skills Mr. Vincent stated that “students take charge of their learning.”

I love the video titled, “Two Students Solve the Problem of Watery Ketchup by Designing a New Cap." I always disliked the way the water squirts out of the bottle or the way the ketchup splatters everywhere. Before watching this video, I did not know that two high school students had actually invented the new top.

bottle of Heinz ketchup

In the article, "Ten Sites Supporting Digital Classroom Collaboration in Project" Michael Gorman gives a list of tools that can enhance the PBL experience. His list included Google docs which he called it “the king of online collaboration.” Among the list were Microsoft Live, Today’s Meet, Skype in Education, Titan Pad, Wall Wisher, Corkboardme, Will You Type With Me, Linoit and Quick Share Screens. Collaboration in the classroom is a great way to enhance communication among the students.

Project Based Learning in P.E. really opened my eyes to using PBL in every subject. I would have never thought to create a fitness plan in P.E. with PBL. Creating a fitness plan covers the state standards and with the students using PBL teaches students how to work together .From reading this article PBL can be used in any subject.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

C4T #2

Archived Learning from the 2015 Mobile Learning Experience by Wesley Fryer

Summary Of Teacher’s Blog #1
:This article is about when Mr. Fryer attended an educational conference. This conference involves different ways to use technology. Mr. Fryer had three different sessions to introduce. Visual note taking is the first one that means representing ideas by drawing them. The second slide show he presented was about using videos with the iPad. His wife showed different videos that her students created with the iPad. Lastly, he introduced Geo-Maps for GeoLiteracy. This video is about earthquakes that happened worldwide by using Google maps.

Comment on Teacher’s Blog #1
:After seeing your slideshow about visual note taking, I downloaded the free apps on my iPad.I am going to try the visual note taking on paper first and then advance to the iPad. I am glad I got to visit your blog.I really enjoyed the presentations. Great Job!

A slide from Wesley Presentation about Visual Notetaking

Kid Blog Update

Summary of Teacher’s Blog 2:Jennifer Reyher, an instructional technology teacher in McAlester Public Schools wrote an update about how blogging been an amazing tool in her classroom. has been a free site for the school to use,but in September the usage will be limited to a free 30 day trial.

Comment to Teacher Blog #2:
I hope that teachers at your school are able to find another blog that is free.I cannot wait to teach to use blogs with my students and others around the world.

a picture of kid blog from Mrs.Long classroom

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Blog Post #8

Randy Pausch Last Lecture:Achieving Your Childhood Dreams

 Randy Pausch quote about brick walls

In the first few minutes of the video, after he explains his terminal illness, he told a story about his old football coach. One of his coaches stated,” When you’re screwing up and nobody’s saying anything to you anymore, that means they’ve given up.” That taught me an important lesson about teaching; I cannot be scared to point out mistakes to my students. Throughout the video he gives us a list of his childhood dreams. He stated that “brick walls are there to show how bad we want something”. I think this was important because in learning and teaching we are going to face brick walls, but we will have to remember never to give up. Randy gave an example of his class. He paired the students in groups and gave them a project to work on for two weeks. The students completed the project and Randy was overwhelmed by the work that they had done .Telling these students that they could do better motivated them and they were able to create better work. That was such a powerful lesson for me about teaching. It is important to push students beyond expectations because once you allow them to settle they are not using their full potential. Randy said that the best way to teach students is by making them think they are learning something else. He does this by making projects entertaining for students, but using the software so the students are actually being taught new technology. To be a great teacher and learner you have to show dedication, cherish feedback, show gratitude, don’t complain, be good at something, find the best in everybody and be prepared.

rest in peace randy

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Using iMovie and the Alabama Virtual Library in Kindergarten was divided into two parts. First Ms. Bennett talked about how impressed she was with kindergartners using iMovie trailer. The kindergartners at Gulf Shores Elementary uses the same iMovie that college students are using. Also, she talked about how students are eager to edit their work before the teacher publishes it. Ms. Davis mentioned that Alabama Virtual Library is free and that you can sign up the public library. Alabama Virtual Library is used for research.

When watching We All Become Learners, Ms. Bennett talks about how much of a learner teachers can be. She told a story about how a student taught her how to use Padlet. Students are not the only learners.

Rung Oi! - Earth - We're in it Together - This is a video of children in Vietnam singing Pat Mitchell “Earth We’re in it Together .This song has gone global. Pat Mitchell is from Alabama.

Aaron Warner- Dr. Strange interviewed Mr. Warner who is the instructional technology specialist at Gulf Shores Elementary School. Mr.Warner helps teachers transition from textbooks to technology. Also, he talked about how and when project based learning started at Gulf Shores Elementary School. Mr. Warner talked about how PBL changed the students. In his classroom, he has talk moves where they ask certain questions to generate
conversations between the students.

globe and a mouse

Mrs. Leslie Welch Part 1-Dr.Strange interviewed 1st grade teacher at Gulf Shores Elementary School. Mrs. Welch talked about her class researching animals of Australia and how they made a brochures on their ipad to present to other classes and parents. Also, she talked about how school has changed. Mrs.Leslie stated that technology has resulted in better learning even for struggling readers in her classroom.

Interview Rosado How to Get a Job
-Dr. Rosado is a Gulf Shores Elementary School Principal. He discussed what it takes to get a job as a teacher in Baldwin County. He stated that he needs teachers who understand technology ,are a team player and don’t lecture.Dr. Rosado want teachers that can deliver materials in a different way to reach the students today.
Some of the videos that I viewed talked about how students are enthusiastic to use technology. When using technology, the students are excited about their work. One of my main weakness is the lack of knowledge on how to coordinate a project based lesson for students. In the next year in a half I plan on watching tons of videos about project based learning and other different technologies that I am unfamiliar with. Also, I plan on searching on YouTube different videos from Gulf Shores Elementary teachers because they have a lot of essential information about PBL. One of my strengths is that I am prepared to be a lifetime learner. I am very self-assured that as I continue my learning in these areas I will be ready for the new generation with technology.

Project 13

The Eight planets

The Solar System Rubric

The Solar System Lesson Plan

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Blog Post # 6

In Part 1 interview with Mr. Capps , I started to understand the meaning of PBL. Students’ interest, authentic audiences and community involvement is the goal of a good project. Also in the video Mr. Capps stated that the most crucial part of PBL is to revise and reflect on learning. In Part 2, Mr .Capps discussed about never limiting your students and always create an opportunity for them to go beyond what you ask them to do.

In the iCurio video, Mr. Capps defined iCurio as an online tool that allows students to safely search the web. I think this is great so inappropriate material won’t pop up. With the storage tool, students and teachers can store valuable information. Another website for research is Discovery Ed that can be used to bring text to life in science and social studies.Discovery Ed can be used for visual and background knowledge about a certain topic.

globe with laptops surrounding it
I liked this video The Anthony-Strange Tips for Teachers Part. Some of the tips that I liked are as follow: 1. Be a constant learner. 2. Teaching never ends. 3. Teaching is hard work but exciting. 4. Be flexible and creative. 5. Be able to reflect and self-evaluation. I will remember these tips to help better myself as a future teacher.

In the video Don’t Teach It - Use it, Mr. Capps says that teachers shouldn’t teach technology. The teachers can use technology to have students research a topic to learn something.
In Additional Thoughts About Lessons, Mr. Capps discussed four layers that compose a lesson plan which includes year, unit, week and daily plan.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Blog Post #5

Personal Learning Networks is composed of people and tools that can be used when you need help.PLNs are great because the learner can choose whom to interact with. PLNs can be accessed at any time and be formed by anyone. Teachers can research information they need to know and compile them together.

Different names of websistes combined into a personak leraning network known as a pln
Personal Learning Networks is something different to me. I created a Symbaloo account. I love that Symbaloo allows users to customize important links in formats that are easy to use. On Symbaloo you have everything in one page ; instead of, opening new windows.I use this website to bookmark my favorite websites.It's great not having to remember websites and I can't wait to add more to my account.

Sunday, June 7, 2015


people silhouette in front of laptops on top of the words blog

The 2014 New School Year by Mrs. Kathleen Morris

Mrs. Morris had a baby in the year of 2014 ,so she was out on maternity leave.On her blog she posted different links to help get started with blogging. When commenting to her, I thanked her for posting the five steps to creating a blog and for taking the time out to post resources. Also, I told her that I will use the tips on how to introduce blogging in the classroom because I know some students are not going to be familiar with blogging.

Blogging in the Literacy Curriculum

When Mrs. Morris tried to incorporate blogging she was unsuccessful,due to the lack of time and computers. Now that every students has a netbook, she is able to have reading rotations every week. Mrs. Morris allowed her students to create portfolios ;instead of writing in journals.

My Comment to Mrs. Morris:

Hi Mrs. Morris,

I am a student at University of South Alabama. I really enjoyed reading "Blogging and the Literacy Curriculum." I am glad that your students were able to get netbooks. In the 21st century technology is ruling the world. I love the idea of having students to create a portfolio instead of writing in journals.

Thanks for the Blog, Jakarta Howard

Project #15

names of different search engine with magnifying glass

WolframAlpha is a new search engine to me. When I inquired about my name Jakarta, city information about Jakarta, Indonesia came up. When I took the basic tour, it stated that “WolframAlpha is a computational knowledge engine not a search engine.” I think WolframAlpha is excellent for mathematics because I typed in different math problems and the answer was given in different forms. is a question based search engine. I have used on many occasions. When searching in Google, sometimes I was directed to

Dogpile is a great search engine because it gathers information from other search engines. Dogpile works just like Google; I fetched the word Walmart and different web pages came up. When searching for different information about a certain word or topic, I would try Dogpile.

ChaCha is a search engine similar to This website would be useful for answers to specific questions.

Bing was previously known as MSN search. When searching for information I prefer to use Bing because it stores your search history. Also, Bing has different trending news at the bottom of the site. Bing has where you can translate words to other languages.

Zillow is a property and real estate search engine. With this website you can search for different locations, number of bedrooms and baths. On this website, you can get detailed information about the property or house. When I was searching for a house, I used this website.

Yahoo has been a search engine that I have used the most. I recently logged into an email that was created from high school. I love Yahoo to search different topics. Yahoo has different links on the webpage, so accessibility is very easy. I would use this search engine to know what’s going on around the world and to research different topics.

Dice is a job search engine. Before using the search engine users must create an account. On Dice you can post or search for a job. This is a useful website for people that are looking for jobs.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Blog Post # 4

As teachers, it is very important for us to know how to ask effective questions. In the classroom, questions are asked everyday to make sure that the student understand material. The Right Way to Ask Questions in the Classroom article stated, “Some teachers might answer that the reason to ask questions is to check for understanding, which benefits the teacher more than the student.”

Any Questions

According to Using Effective Questions, effective questions challenge students but are not too difficult. Effective questions are meaningful and understandable to students. When having group discussion, low risk questions are the best to ask because they have no right or wrong answer. Also, students benefit from answering easier questions before difficult ones.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Blog Post #3

In What is Peer Editing and Peer Edit With Perfection Tutorial, I learned that the first rule is to remain positive. It is important to always start with a compliment, and not provide negative criticism. Also, peer editing has three steps:compliments, suggestions, and corrections. Always make sure to tell the student what he or she did well. Suggestions is a way that the author can improve his/her writing. When editing, different symbols represent words that need to be corrected. I also earned that peer editing can be enjoyable. Eventhough misspelled words and missed punctuations are common mistakes, that’s the main thing when making corrections.

Peer editing TAG Tell the writer something you like, Ask the writer a question, Give the writer positive suggestions

As a student of EDM 310, I will follow the guidelines of peer editing. This will be helpful because I will be able to improve my classmate’s writing with compliments, suggestions and corrections. When critiquing my peers' work, I will try to stay positive to avoid conflicts. Peer editing will help me to become a better writer. It’s a great idea to take advice from classmates; instead of, the teacher all the time.