When taking different education courses at USA, I always try to get different opinions from previous students. Some of the things that I have heard about EDM310 are very horrible. I have heard that Dr. Strange is mean. Also, I have heard that the work is not hard but is very time consuming. I fear that I will become lost in this class due to that I am not familiar with the different Google applications. EDM 310 is different from any course I have has previously. I have had online classes before but they didn’t require sixteen hours a week. This class will definitely require a lot of attention.
The most difficult thing in EDM 310 will be time management. I will have to plan less family time to be successful in this class. I have two children and a husband that works offshore so, this class will be a big challenge. To address this problem, I plan on dedicating the majority of my time in the EDM 310 lab and becoming friends with my classmates.
Since this class just started I don’t have any questions.
I agree with you about time management. I think this is a lot of work for 8 weeks, especially if you're like me and trying to juggle 3 other courses!